Mon-Sat 9 AM-6 PM
6 High Road London N22 6BX

Chronic Pain is a complex problem that affects millions of people around the world. In fact, it is the most common public health problem affecting millions of adults worldwide. Conventional medical practices can help many people who suffer from chronic pain, but unfortunately there are countless people who simply do not get adequate relief from traditional medicine. In addition, painkillers and invasive surgical applications may have negative effects on patient health.

In Holistic Pain Therapy, complementary and corrective therapy methods are applied to support conventional medical practices and increase their effectiveness for pain management. Thus, we plan to offer holistic therapies that can help alleviate or manage your pain and complaints diagnosed by the doctor, by creating a personalized therapy strategy for you.

In addition to our successful one-on-one consultations, we can create a combination of treatments tailored to you and your complaints to reduce pain, boost immunity, optimize health and prevent chronic diseases. Some of the holistic therapies we apply: acupuncture, cupping-cupping, ozone therapy, remedial massage, manual therapy techniques, electrotherapy, posture correction, Alpha-Stim therapy and exercise programs and ergogenic assistance.



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