Alpha-Stim therapy is a therapy that treats both anxiety, depression, and insomnia as well as acute, chronic, and postoperative pain. It is a supportive therapy for pain and stress management. The therapies take place using the Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device. Alpha-Stim therapy, which is very effective in chronic pain management, acute pain management, and post-traumatic pain management, has no permanent side effects and no risk of addiction. It is a safe therapy when performed by specialist physicians.

Alpha-Stim Therapy is especially indicated in the following conditions
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleep disorders
- Acute, chronic and postoperative pain
- Alcohol and Substance Addiction
Drug-free Treatment That Works
Safe, effective, and proven relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, and depression

Do you need a better way to relieve pain, control anxiety, fight depression, or treat insomnia? Maybe you’ve tried prescription medications, but they haven’t worked as planned. Perhaps you haven’t tried pills or shots yet because you have well-founded concerns about side effects, interactions, and even addiction. Maybe you’ve tried natural remedies recommended by a friend or family member – but those are not regulated by the FDA, not backed by research, they’re inconsistent and tend to be ineffective at controlling anxiety or panic attacks, chronic insomnia, depression symptoms, or pain signals.
Prescription medications attempt to target an issue or imbalance in the body with the use of chemicals. But did you know that your body is both chemical and electrical? In fact, an enormous part of the nervous system is controlled by internal electrical impulses. With this knowledge, why treat your body with chemicals in the form of pills or injections?
No matter how you experience it, anxiety can cause problems in all areas of your life. Alpha-Stim provides quick, sustainable anxiety and stress relief.




What to Expect From Treatments?
Anxiety reduction is usually experienced during a single treatment and may last for hours or days thereafter. Insomnia is usually improved after the initial treatment but may take up to 3 weeks to see a significant change. For best results, most people treat at least 3 hours prior to bedtime.
It can also be used when awakened during the night. Depression typically takes at least 3 weeks or more of daily treatment to experience significant improvement. Once symptoms have improved, use of Alpha-Stim 2 – 3 times per week or less is usually sufficient to maintain good results.

Is Alpha-Stim Safe?
There are over 140 research studies and published reports, as well as ongoing research, patient surveys and professional endorsements, all supporting the safety and efficacy of Alpha-Stim. Our research is so good, even our competitors use it. In over three decades of studies involving approximately 8,800 people, only minor, self-limiting side effects have been reported, with the two most common being headaches (0.10%) and skin reactions at the electrode sites (0.07%). In a recent 5 year period, 8,248,920 Alpha-Stim treatments resulted in only 14 instances of minor side effects, 11 of which were skin irritation at the electrode site. Alpha-Stim technology is safe and significantly effective when used correctly.
Just 20 Minutes will Change Your Brainwaves and Your Outlook
The diagram below is a quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) brain map showing the changes in brain activity by traditional EEG bands of 30 volunteers after a single 20 minute treatment with Alpha-Stim CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation).

What This Means
The picture above shows the typical changes of brainwave activity in anxious patients using Alpha-Stim. This is a measurement of changes in 4 different brainwave frequency bands. Red shows an increase in alpha activity (relaxation brain waves) with a simultaneous decrease in blue, delta activity (deep sleep waves), after using Alpha-Stim for only 20 minutes. These changes have been shown to help reduce anxiety and improve restorative sleep.
Latest Research
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center study, “Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation for the Management of Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Disturbance, and Pain in Patients with Advanced Cancer” found Alpha-Stim significantly effective. The study examined the safety and efficacy of this non-drug treatment option, affirming years of research that Alpha-Stim is extremely effective, with no serious adverse effects and no risk of addiction, unlike prescription drugs.

Yennurajalingam S, Kang D-H, Hwu W-J, Padhye NS, Masino C, Dibaj SS, Liu DD, Williams JL, Lu Z, Bruera E. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation for the management of depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and pain in patients with advanced cancer: a preliminary study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2018 Feb; 55(2): 198-204.
Is it Effective?
A survey was conducted which included 2,500 patients using cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) and microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) for the treatment of pain.1 Nine out of 10 people reported significant relief of at least 25% improvement regardless of the cause of their pain.
What to Expect From Treatments
While Alpha-Stim technology is significantly effective when it is used correctly for 9 out of 10 people who use it, it will not work for everyone. If obvious pain relief is not achieved after several probe locations are attempted, consider treating the primary area of pain at a lower current setting of 1 – 2 (100 to 200 μA) with AS-Trode™ electrodes for 60 minutes or more.
If necessary, it can be used all day. It may also be necessary to treat all areas of pain anywhere on the body in order to get results. If the Alpha-Stim is not working well for you, contact your healthcare practitioner, your local authorized Alpha-Stim distributor, or EPI for clinical support. We are here to help you.
Both pain control and anxiety reduction is usually experienced during a single treatment, but may be experienced hours after treatment.
Insomnia is usually improved after the initial treatment but may take up to 3 weeks. While most people can use it at bedtime and when awakened during the night, some find they must conduct their 20 – 60 minute Alpha-Stim CES treatment at least 3 hours before going to bed because the CES treatment may interfere with sleep when used just before bedtime. It may also be used in the morning to promote better sleeping at night.