Mon-Sat 9 AM-6 PM
6 High Road London N22 6BX


Health is about feeling your best physically, mentally and emotionally. In today’s life, people are used to working with low energy levels and it is normal to feel exhausted. In Holistic Pain Therapy approach, we believe that healing from diseases should not only be by reducing pain, but also by strengthening immunity, detoxing, controlling inflammation, increasing vitality, increasing antioxidant capacity and regeneration, which increase the quality of life.

At Holistic Pain Therapy, we specialize in health and well-being. We offer unique solutions to our clients’ chronic and acute health problems. In addition to our successful one-on-one consultations, reducing pain, boosting immunity, optimizing health and preventing chronic diseases are our primary goals. Among the methods we use to achieve this goal; acupuncture, cupping-hijama, ozone therapy, remedial massage, manual therapy techniques, vitamin drip infusion, electrotherapy, posture correction, alfastim therapy, hypoxic therapy, PRP, aesthetic antiaging, weight control, diet and exercise programs. With these applications, we can create a unique treatment combination.

Get Well

Rebalance your mind, body and spirit. Our wellness therapies accelerate and strengthen the holistic regeneration process that enables you to reach your full potential. 

Revitalising Medicine

Revitalising Medicine seeks to restore the balance and functioning of the body and its organs and tissues in order to improve our quality of life. Revitalisation is the process of restoring deteriorated functions, and quickly translates into a feeling of wellbeing and the recovery of both mental and physical abilities. The therapy methods we use in Holistic Pain Therapy; Ozone therapy, Vitamin Infusion, Vitamin Shuts, Hypoxic Therapy, Cupping – Hijama and Acupuncture.



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