
Wrinkles may appear depending on the use of mimics, genetic factors, or age. Thanks to Botox, these wrinkles can be removed. Botox is a toxin derived from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum (CB). It blocks the interaction between nerve and muscle. It is not only used to reduce wrinkles. It is also used in the treatment of excessive sweating and chronic migraine.

Botox is especially indicated in the following conditions

  • Excessive sweating (armpit, hand, foot)
  • Wrinkles (between the eyebrows, forehead, around the eyes (crow’s feet), upper lip, neck, and decollete)


Fillers are an aesthetic procedure applied to the areas under the skin to remove wrinkles or to create a fuller lip look. Fillers are done by injection under the skin. The permanence of the fillers is between 4 months and one year.

Fillers are especially indicated in the following conditions

  • Increasing lip volume and defining lip contour
  • In removing the deep lines between the eyebrows and on the forehead
  • Elimination of rim wrinkles
  • Filling the collapses between the lip and the chin


It is a treatment method by injecting mixtures such as vitamins, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid into the skin. Mesotherapy is also known as facial mesotherapy.

Key Benefits of Mesolifting

  • It provides skin regeneration by increasing the skin’s collagen and elastin production.
  • The skin takes on a brighter appearance.
  • The elasticity of the skin increases and sagging decreases.
  • It gives effective results on acne, skin blemishes, sagging, porous skin.

Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss is treated with the CGF-CD34 method. CGF-CD34 treatment is a method that includes both growth factors and stem cells, which takes PRP treatment to the next level. When injected into tissues, it has a direct healing effect. In addition, when it is given directly from the blood, it ensures that the circulating stem cells are formed more than normal for a week. CGF-CD34 application increases the body’s healing and cell renewal capacity.

Hair and Face PRP

A special centrifugation and filtering process is performed with the blood taken from the person. With this process, the platelet-rich part of the blood is separated. This portion is injected back into the treatment area. Thus, a large amount of growth factor is released at the injection site. These, in turn, provide the healing of wounds, the removal of skin problems such as wrinkles, acne scars to a large extent, and the regeneration of the skin. With PRP Hair application, it is ensured that the hair of individuals with sparse and weak hair is made healthy and strong.


Mesotherapy; is the technique of applying vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes alone or generally in a mixture to the middle layer of the skin by microinjection. Mesotherapy greatly reduces the complaints originating from the mesoderm (fibrous tissue, cartilage, bone, muscle, fat, bone marrow, lymphatic tissue, urogenital system, vascular system).

Mesotherapy is especially indicated in the following conditions

  • Pains: Head, neck and facial neuralgia, Back, waist, hip, knee and foot pains
  • Joint Pathology: arthrosis (calcification) in each area, gout pains.
  • Tissue Pathology: tendinitis, dupuytren, bursitis, cellulite
  • Vascular pathology; migraines, leg edema, micro-circulation problems,
  • Skin pathologies: keloid, alopecia, acne.
  • Sports injuries: Tendon Injuries (Tendinitis), Muscle Injuries (Muscle crushes, muscle pain, muscle tension, partial tears), Ligament Injuries (Ligament strains, joint sprains, partial tears), Bone Injuries (Periostitis, stress fractures), Cartilage Lesions ( anterior knee pain, meniscus lesions), Periarticular Tissue Lesions (Bursitis, capsulitis, synovial cyst)
  • Aesthetic Medicine: facial wrinkles, skin spots, hair loss, skin cracks, cellulite, regional slimming, lipolysis